Sunday, March 23, 2008


Pictures of my Sister Doing Activites

I am very sorry my pics are not the greatest, my sister refused to coroperate with the picture taking and i am not very good with the computer and rotating the photos. Sorry:(

This is her doing activity # 3 10 lunges

This her here jogging in place for one minute. Activity # 2

I know that they are not the best photos but she refused to let me take the photos of her front. This is her preforming activity #1, 20 jumping jacks.


At the end of the test I predicted everything corretly about the rise in heart beat, and breaths. However I predicted incorrectly about the fact that the lunges would raise her blood pressure, the results for that were also activity 2 being jogging in place. I really liked this lab it was fun to do, and entertaining at the same time. My sister in law Cierra however hated me for making her do it with me but at the same time it was interesting to watch how her pulse, breaths and blood pressure would increase and decrease depending upon the activities.

Activity Description & Hypothesis


During this activity I tested my sister in laws blood pressure. I had her do three different activities and took it three times after each activity. I also took her pressure while just resting too, before any activities. We used a at home blood pressure taker to measure the results. I had to make a prediction to as to how the pulse, resp, sys, and Dias would change throughout each activity. Activity 1 was doing 20 jumping jacks, activity 2 jogging in place for a minute, and activity 3 10 lunges. I predicted that the activity that would activate her pulse the most from an at rest stage was the jogging in place for 1 minute. I made a hypothesis that activity 1 being the jumping jacks would increase her breaths. And that activity 3 the lunges would increase her blood pressure. After the activities we will see if I predicted correctly.

Graphs for Blood Pressure Lab