Monday, March 10, 2008

A Day Of Food Lab Results/Write Up

The list is kinda hard to see so i will write out what i ate on a Saturday.
Babgel Bites
Diet Coke
Sweet Tea
Baked Potato with Cives, Sour Cream and Butter
Country Time Lemondae
Mustard & Mayo
Lime Butter
Ceasar Salad
2 Choclate Dipped Strawberries
Lemon Chicken with Rice
Frozen Yogrut.
My total amount of calories came to : 2470
Calories From Fat: 1110
How healthy a daily diet do you think this is? I feel that although i may not eat alot of the healthiest foods its not completly bad. I should eat more fruit and veggies that it the only thing, but I have always read in the magazines that its better to snack on things throughout then day then try and starve your self to loose weight.
-What would you change about this day's eating, if anything?- The thing that i think i would have to change which i have tried to before is eating on a more set schedule, me bf works till ten everynight so we do not eat dinner until like 10:30 which is not good to go to sleep with a belly full of food that would be the thing that i would probably like to change the most.
Do you find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful? Why or why not? Umm i do in some ways and others i dont. I am not trying to loose wight so to me i eat like a always have for the past 3 years i have a very fast metabolism and am very thank-ful for it. But i would say that it is pretty cool how you can just enter the foods in and it brings everything up, i think that if you were trying to loose weight that it would be a great site.