Monday, May 12, 2008

Ethical Essay Unit Iv

I feel that the people who should reproduce are those who can care for their children and be able to support them without having the help of everyone in the community. We see so many more high school girls having babies with guys who they meet one time. It's getting ridiculous. There are so many people who live off of well fare and dont feel that they need to go out and look for a job to support thier kids. Women sit at home and collect child support, and do nothing, its getting ridiculous. It used to be that having a child was a special time and any more it seems like its an easy way for money. I think that if you are going to have a child you need to make sure that you can support him/her financially on your own, without depending on the county food stamps or W.I.C. I would not neccesarly put an age limit on the time to have achild i would say that you should be at least 20 just because 16,17,18 your still a child you self.

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