Monday, April 14, 2008

Muscle Lab Write Up

Figure 1: Effect of Temperature on Muscle Action

Number of Fists
Normal 32
Ice Water 41

Effect of Fatigue on Muscle Action

1. Count how many times you can tightly squeeze a rubber ball in your hand
in 20 seconds. Record in Figure 2.

2. Repeat the squeezing nine more times and record results. Do not rest
between trials.

(An alternative procedure which works well is to open and close a
clothespin with the thumb and index finger while the other fingers are held
out straight.)

Figure 2: Effect of Fatigue on muscle action

# of Squeezes in 20 seconds
9 More X's
1 50
2 44
3 44
4 37
5 37
6 41
7 41
8 35
9 32
10 30


1. What are the three changes you observed in a muscle while it is working (contracted)? While doing this muscle lab i noticed; the bicep brachii muscle contracted and became shorter as my uper arm moved upward so my fist was close to my deltoid muscle. The bicep muscle gets shorter because the actin is moving across the myosin until the sarcomeres are fully contracted making the bicep muscle the shortest it can become. Secondly, the total circumference of my bicep brachii increased as I flexed the arm muscle. And lastly when I flex the bicep muscle as I bring the forearm up to meet my shoulder muscle the bicep muscle is not the only muscle at work.

2. What effect did the cold temperature have on the action of your hand muscles? Explain.

At times i thought that me and my husband were doing the lab wrong because at times his number of fists would be less than before but then the next time they would be higher. The cold effect made your muslces tighten up which then did not allow you to keep a consistant number.

3. In Figure 3, make a line graph of your results of the fatigue experiment. Be sure to fill in the values on the vertical axis.

4. What effect did fatigue have on the action of your hand muscles? When your hands becime fatigued they effect your whole body because they contorl alot of the mucles that are in the upper arm. After we soaked our hands in a bucket of ice cold water and tried to clip the close pin it became relativly harder, and actually felt like the hand muscles were causing your arm muscles to freeze up. Overall it actually was a very fun project along with this whole chapter.

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