Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is Food Essay

Over the years several things have changed, including the way we eat. It used to be that families would sit down every night for a homemade dinner. Not anymore thanks to McDonalds, KFC, and curb side to go at several restaurants. Yes it’s hard not to want to stop for a burger maybe 1 or 2 days out of the week but every day, that’s when you start to experience health issues. Your body has to have the proper nutrients, and by eating French fries and Whoppers all day you’re not getting all the vitamins you need. I see so many families who, on their way home from work will stop by and pick up $30 worth of chicken from KFC or tacos for dinner and think that it’s okay. I used to eat out almost every day, and now me and my boyfriend would really rather cook ourselves dinner and sit down and eat. For one thing when you order to go food, you do not know exactly what is in your food, who cooked it or how long it had been sitting there. For example, we love to eat meat, whether its steaks, ribs, pork-chops whatever it is we’ll eat it. But so often now you here about all of the people who got food poisoning because their meat wasn’t cooked properly, or had expired. The difference when you cook at home is that you know that it is thoroughly cooked; it hasn’t been sitting on the plate for hours either. So not only is it bad to eat out daily and drink soda pop every day, but it puts a damper on your health as well. People wonder why we are the number #1 country for obesity, it’s because there’s a fast food place on every street practically. Not only does poor eating habits cause obesity but also, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. The only way America is ever going to get back into the routine of eating dinner at home, and not buying banquet frozen dinner meals is if food industries were to take them off the shelf. So we as Americans need to have more self-control, and start eating our fruits, veggies, and homemade meals and stop with the on the go food.

1 comment:

hexinduction said...

I like the part about meat-eating. I love to eat home cooked meats: red, white, whatever. Yet, on the rare occasion when I go have a fast food burger I always feel gross afterward. I used to consider it treating myself, now I consider it torture.haha. Very good essay.